GX06 DYW Preservation Group aquires GX06 DYW

Today I am extremely proud to announce that GX06 DYW / 27517 has entered preservation with us after being collected from Gloucester depot this afternoon 4th October 2022. This is such an exciting day for the team who’ve all worked hard to make it happen.

We want to extend a massive thank you to someone who will remain anonymous who’s been an extremely helpful with us getting hold of the bus.

Of course it goes without saying the help and dedication from Harry and Ben has been amazing and I know as a team we can all work together to get the bus back into an amazing condition and back into Beachball livery.

I can confirm the bus will be going into Beachball and not into it’s original Diamond livery. We’ve had lots of talk about this and decided Beachball looks best on it.

Work has already started today to start deep cleaning the inside though there is lots of work ahead on the cards.

Watch this space and remember if you want to help with the up keep of the bus you can donate or become a member and enjoy many benefits!

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